OCB 2000 (Global Learning)
Introductory Marine Biology
Last time taught: Fall 2024 (online)
Next time teach: Fall 2025 (online)
BSC 4711
Fisheries Science
Last time taught: Spr 2024 (hybrid)
Next time teach: Spr 2026 (hybrid)
BSC 5927 & BSC 5893C
R Program. for Biologist
Last time taught: Spr 2024
Next time teach: Spr 2025
OCB 6716
Fishe. Popul. Dynamics
Last time taught: Spr 2023
Next time teach: Spr 2025
Introduce students to the basic principles of marine biology, spanning from organisms to ecosystems.
Students will learn about the ways that humans use, impact, and attempt to protect marine resources.
Enhance students’ interest in studying marine biology.
Acquire upper-division undergraduate students with fundamental knowledge of fisheries science.
Provide upper-division undergraduate students with mathematical and statistical skills that will be used in their future fisheries research.
Equip graduate students with basic statistical knowledge for biological/ecological applications.
Help student understand the benefits of using numerous R add-on packages to process data and to present results.
Enhance biological/ecological students’ interest in studying statistics.
Expose students to stock assessment models and tools that are commonly used by quantitative fisheries biologists.
Train students in interpreting models and statistical results with regard to analysis of fish dependent/independent data.
Prepare students with the ability to conduct scientific research in fishery population dynamics/stock assessment and related fields.
BSC 6913
Student Research Lab
BSC 7980
Ph.D. Dissertation
1-12 credit.
(BSC 6913) An independent laboratory study in a project or projects of the student's choice. All graduate students in the Fisheries and Ecosystem Assessment Lab are eligible to register.
(BSC 7980) Completion of dissertation. All graduate students in the Fisheries and Ecosystem Assessment Lab, who have passed the qualify exam, are eligible to register.
OCB 2000L (supervise)
Lab course for OCB 2000
Offered with OCB 2000
Provides a hands-on experience and introduce students to common marine organisms and their habitats and to the use of experimental methods to study marine biological problems.
Emphasis is placed on the physical environment, the different kinds of marine organisms -- from bacteria to plants and animals -- and how to classify them.
Illustrate the use of the scientific method as a powerful tool to answer questions about marine organisms.
BSC 5936 (coordinate)
Glaser Seminar
Last time taught: Spr 2023
A one-week seminar series that provides a dynamic short course for faculty and students in an area of current interest.
The speakers are voted from a pool of distinguished scholars, and the topics are selected from a list of areas by the Biological Sciences faculty.
All Biological Sciences graduate students are eligible to register.
Glaser Seminar Speakers
(for the full list, please check the GLASER webpage)
2018 Dr. Mario Capecchi
2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
2019 Dr. Gordon Uno
2020 Dr. Bruce Alberts
2022 Dr. Sönke Johnsen
2023 Dr. Liliana Dávalos