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Li, Y. and Y. Zhang, 2012. Fisheries impact on the East China Sea Shelf ecosystem for 1969-2000. Helgoland Marine Research 66: 371-383.

Zhang, Y. and Y. Chen, 2007. Modeling and evaluating ecosystem in 1980s and 1990s for
American lobster (Homarus americanus) in the Gulf of Maine. Ecological Modeling 203: 475-489.

Zhang, Y., D. Brzezinski, J. Chang, K. Stepanek and Y. Chen, 2011. Spatial structuring of fish community in association with environmental variables in the Coastal Gulf of Maine. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 43: 47-64.​

Zhang, Y., ​Y. Chen and Y. Chang, 2011. Estimating biological reference points using individual-based per-recruit models for the Gulf of Maine American lobster, Homarus americanus, fishery. Fisheries Research 108: 385-392.

Zhang, Y. and Y. Chen, 2012. The effectiveness of harvest control rules in managing the Gulf of Maine American lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32: 984-999.

Zhang, Y., Y. Li and Y. Chen, 2012. Modeling the dynamics of ecosystem for the American lobster in the Gulf of Maine. Aquatic Ecology 46: 451-464.​

(*student coauthors highlighted)

Yan, Y., Y. Zhang, G. Wu, X. He, C. Zhao and H. Lu, 2015. Seasonal feeding habits, reproduction, and distribution of Harpiosquilla harpax (Stomatopoda: Harpiosquillidae) in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Journal of Crustacean Biology 35: 776-784.

Li, Y., Y. Zhang, N. E. Hussey and X. Dai, 2016. Urea and lipid extraction treatment effects on δ15N and δ13C values in pelagic sharks. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30: 1-8.​

Li, Y, N. Hussey, and Y. Zhang. 2016. Quantifying ontogenetic stable isotope variation between dermis and muscle tissue of two pelagic sharks. Aquatic Biology, 25: 53-60.

Li, Y., Y. Zhang, J. Xu, and S. Zhang. 2017. Spatial variations in food web structures with alternative stable states: evidence from stable isotope analysis in a large eutrophic lake. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

Zhang, Y., Y. Chen, J. Zhu, S. Tian and X. Chen. 2017. Evaluating effectiveness of biological reference points for Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) fishery and Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fishery in the Indian Ocean. Aquaculture and Fisheries 2: 84-93.

Zhang, Y. and N. Yao*. 2018. Estimating growth of Caribbean Spiny Lobster using mark-recapture data. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 10: 481-492.

Xue, Z., Y. Zhang, S. Sun, and W. Wang. 2020. Comparative analysis on mitochondrial control region DNA diversity of three far eastern catfish (Silurus asotus) populations. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 20: 549-557.

Kilfoil, J. P.*, M. E. Bond, M. D. Campbell, J. J. Kiszka, K. R. Gastrich, M. R. Heithaus, Y. Zhang, and A. Wirsing. 2017. Do traditional video survey methods undercount sharks at high densities? A comparison using conventional and newly developed full-spherical camera technologies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 585: 113-121.

Kilfoil, J.P.*, I. I. Rodriguez-Pinto, J. J. Kiszka, M. R. Heithaus, Y. Zhang, C. C. Roa, L. E. Ailloud, M. D. Campbell, and A. J. Wirsing. 2020. Using unmanned aerial vehicles and machine learning to improve sea cucumber density estimation in shallow habitats. ICES Journal of Marine Science

Lin, Q., Z. Geng, J. Zhu, and Y. Zhang. 2022. Impact of CPUE index weighting on stock assessment using simulation study: an example of Indian Ocean albacore Thunnus maccoyii. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University 31(6):1522-1532. DOI:10.12024/jsou.20210603481

Woodstock, M.S*., T.T. Sutton, T. Frank, A. Cook, and Y. Zhang. 2021. An early warning sign: trophic structure changes in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico from 2011-2018. Ecological Modelling

Lin, Q., Y. Zhang, and J. Zhu. 2022. Exploring the impacts of fishing on the central and eastern tropical Pacific ecosystem using the multispecies size-spectrum model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 41(3): 34-43.

Wang, Y., F. Zhang, Z. Geng, Y. Zhang, J. Zhu, and X. Dai. 2023. Contrasting effects of climate variability on two tuna species in the Indian Ocean. Fisheries 8(2), 99. doi:10.3390/fishes8020099.

Woodstock, M.S. *, J.J. Kiszka, M.R. Ramírez-León, T.T. Sutton, K. Fennel, B. Wang, and Y. Zhang. 2023. Cetacean-mediated Nitrogen transport in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. doi:10.1002/lno.12433.

Pan, B., J. Zhu, Q. Lin, Z. Geng, F. Wu, and Y. Zhang. 2024. Study on the catch, bycatch and discard of Chinese pelagic longline fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean. Aquaculture and Fisheries.

Zhang, Y., Y. Chen and C. Wilson, 2011. Developing and evaluating harvest control rules with different biological reference points for the American lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68: 1511-1524.​

Zhang, Y. and S. X. Cadrin, 2013. Estimating effective sample size for length frequency distributions from Georges Bank groundfish samples: a comparative study. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142: 59-67.​

Li, Y, Y. Zhang, and X. Dai. 2016. Trophic interactions among pelagic sharks and large predatory teleosts in the northeast central Pacific. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 483: 97-103.

Chang, Y., C. Sun, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang ​and S. Yeh, 2011. Incorporating climate changes into population dynamic modeling: an individual-based modeling approach for lobster. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 122-136.

Zhang, Y., Y. Chen, J. Zhu, S. Tian and X. Chen, 2013. Evaluating different harvest control rules for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fisheries in the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Research 137: 1-8.

Li. Y., Y. Gong, Y. Zhang, and X. Chen. 2017. Inter-annual variability in trophic patterns of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Peru, implications for stable isotope values in gladius. Fisheries Research, 187: 22-30.

Xue, Z., Y. Zhang, M. Lin, S. Sun, W. Gao, and W. Wang. 2017. Effects of habitat fragmentation on the population genetic diversity of the Amur minnow (Phoxinus lagowskii). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 2: 331-336.

Yao, N.*, and Y. Zhang. 2018. Investigating temporal variation in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of Florida Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus recruits. Bulletin of Marine Science 94: 847-861.

Kilfoil, J.P.*, M. D. Campbell, M. R. Heithaus, Y. Zhang. 2021. The influence of shark behavior and environmental conditions on baited remote underwater video survey results. Ecological Modelling

Han, D., S. Tian, Y. Zhang, and Y. Chen. 2021. An evaluation of temporal changes in the trophic structure of Gulf of Maine ecosystem. Regional Studies in Marine Science 42: 101635.

Woodstock, M.S.*, T.T. Sutton, Y. Zhang. 2022. A trait-based carbon export model for mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Mexico with respect to asynchronous vertical migration, flux boundaries, and feeding guilds. Limnology and Oceanography 67: 2117-2117.

Wang, Y., Y. Zhang, Z. Geng, and J. Zhu. 2024 Impacts of phytoplankton availability on bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) recruitment in the Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1392273

Woodstock, M.S. *, and Y. Zhang. 2022. Towards ecosystem modeling in the deep sea: A review of past efforts and primer for the future. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 188.

Zhang, Y., D.R. Goethel, M. Smith, L. Picariello, Y. Chen, Y. Li, C. Verlinde, and J. Agar. 2024. A web-based decision support tool for performing management strategy evaluation on the Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper resource. Ecological Informatics. doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102756

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